— The International Coaching Federation

We all need a little support sometimes. Whether wanting to:

  • improve your health and wellness

  • get into better habits and routines

  • grow deeper in your faith

I’d be honored to support you on your journey.

Coaching accelerates change. I’m there as a thought partner, for accountability, and to hold space for you to process what you’re learning and experiencing.

I offer a variety of services at different price points as a way to serve as many people as possible.

1:1 Coaching

If you’re considering coaching together, it’s simple to get started:

  1. Set up an exploratory call where we can learn more about each other and your goals

  2. You decide on the package that’s best for you

  3. You fill out forms, schedule sessions, and we’ll get started!

I also offer The Wellness Revelation and The Body Revelation as a 1:1 package. Reach out and we can talk more!

Group Coaching

The benefits of group coaching are:

  • Being coached in community where you can support and learn from one another

  • Lower cost and a great way to try out coaching

Group coaching is 6 sessions that happen every other week. It is offered on a quarterly basis and the topic changes.

Investment: $199

Facilitated Small Groups

Whether you’re new to wellness or ready to go deeper on your journey, I can help.

In each program you get standard curriculum, others to share the journey with, and the empathy and attention of a trained coach.

The Wellness Compass — great for beginners!

If you are just getting started on your wellness journey, this is a great introductory class. It’s a 6-week overview of whole-person wellness. We use the Wellness Compass’ model of 8 domains and each week learn a new tool to help us on our wellness journey.


The Wellness Revelation — ready to go deeper!

If you want a faith-based, holistic approach to wellness, this is for you! We go deep over 9 weeks looking at the lies we believe, what God has to say about food, exercise, and rest.

What you get:

  • 9-week study

  • Weekly video teachings from author, Alisa Keeton

  • Workout calendar with links to video workouts

  • Bible Study

  • Weekly Small Group over Zoom

  • Food journal

  • Weekly voxer check-ins with me for accountability and encouragement

Speaking & Training

I love to encourage women! Especially looking at what the Lord has to say about our bodies, health, and wholeness. I also speak to professional organizations on Wellness at Work.

Topics include:

  • How to Glorify God in your Body

  • Jumpstart Your Wellness

  • Rest and Why We’re Afraid of It

  • Creating Godly Healthy Habits

I also can speak to moms and daughters on topics such as identity, body image, and taking care of our temples.

Book an exploratory call so I can learn more about your needs and event and you can get to know me too!